Every episode has headline credits within the episode, and extended credits in the descriptions, both on youtube and in the shownotes of the podcast.
However, Lost Terminal would not be what it is today without these people, who I would like to thank here too:
Credits voiced by Lucy StringerAntarctica voiced by Wolfie ThornsIvan voiced by Alex BaylyAna voiced by Oriel WinslowMINI voiced by Kate AshfordYeshi voiced by Robin HowellPETER voiced by Karl WilliamsAlexander voiced by Dan Yilmaz50Meg voiced by Carin Calder-La CroixAlec voiced by Neil MurtonNANA voiced by Lisa Ashton-RiemersDr Redwing voiced by Gina Sneesby
Ada PhillipsKitWil TaylorKitdeeryeenAndrew KriegTobyJade Felicity Bilkey
Character Concepts
Sometimes friends and patrons suggest ideas to me, and sometimes I include them! (after some modification). If you are a patron, look here for how your character ideas can be included in Lost Terminal.
EMMA and Dr Redwing created by Robert BettelheimIVAN created by Karl WilliamsYeshi created by Petra BačkovskáTASSI created by CM-47NANA created by Sal BoyeONI created by Jack Locke
Additional Material